We use technology, unbiased creativity, and humble dedication to advance culture with positive energy.


Self Awareness

We acknowledge personal strengths, weaknesses, emotions, and behaviors. Being self aware allows you to find the magic within, share it with others, and grow together to make a stronger team.

We believe our word is our bond, and our bond is one of honesty, ethics, and moral judgement. Doing right by others is not just an act of kindness or good faith, it’s a way of life. Do the right thing when no one is watching.

Empathizing with partners and customers is just what we do. We put ourselves in your shoes so that we can truly feel what a great user experience is, and continue to build on it.

Passion comes from the soul. Passion is the powerful force that keeps us filled with meaning and allows us to continue striving to do better. Passion is love.

Love's In Need Of Love Today.


Optimism is the state of mind that allows you to see the best in the world. We believe in doing a little bit every day to make the world a better place.

Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.


We believe in promoting confidence so that you feel like your best self. Loving ourselves allows us the ability to love others. Loving others will make a stronger community.

Our Team
Stedman Cleveland
Stedman Cleveland
CEO & Founder
Michael Persall
Michael “Micky” Persall
Creator Manager